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probiotics and acne connection

Can Probiotics Help With Acne?

Anyone who suffers from acne and skin blemishes often also has intestinal problems. Studies show that constipation, heartburn and flatulence are the main causes. In scientific studies, typical disorders of the intestinal flora associated with acne have also been demonstrated. Building up the intestinal flora with probiotics and prebiotic fibers probably represents a new therapeutic […]

fish oil depression

Does Fish Oil and Omega-3 Help With Depression?

Omega-3 fatty acids seem to be lacking in patients with certain psychiatric diseases, so the scientists suggest fish oil could also be used therapeutically in depression. For 2020, the World Health Organization estimates that depression will be the second most common disease worldwide. Eating fish regularly, and especially fish oil, can increase the effects of antidepressants […]

nattokinase UK supplement

Nattokinase: UK Best Heart Supplement Now Available

Nattokinase UK – best-kept heart health secret is growing in popularity. This is a naturally occurring enzyme derived from fermented soybeans, particularly prominent in traditional Japanese cuisine. Nattokinase gained attention in the UK due to its potential health benefits, especially in supporting cardiovascular health. Nattokinase enzyme is believed to have fibrinolytic properties, meaning it helps […]

Krill Oil: Benefits, Uses, Details

Krill Oil: Benefits, Uses, Details

Krill oil is a natural supplement derived from the minuscule crustaceans known as krill. These tiny shrimp-like creatures are found in abundance in the icy waters of Antarctica and are an important part of the marine ecosystem. Krill oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, particularly eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which are […]

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